Redhead Pumpjack Diagram

Conventional Pumpjack Image

Download A Custom Redhead Pumpjack Diagram

By Kevin Hesch

Recently, and after several requests, the team at Redhead Artificial Lifts created a new, legible poster of a conventional pumpjack diagram. We have seen and used these before, found these posters quite helpful, and felt it would be a great asset to have a snapshot detailing the moving parts of a pumping unit, labelled in a clear, concise way.

We then went one step further and turned this image into a laminated poster for a number of our clients. Whether on the wall of your work office, in your shop or on placed the dash of your truck, now you can always have a diagram on-hand for quick reference when you need it. We’ve also made this pumpjack diagram available to you as a downloadable PDF. Enjoy!

As always, if you'd like to chat about any of our products or services, contact the team at Redhead today.

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