Download A Custom Redhead Pumpjack Diagram
By Kevin Hesch
Recently, and after several requests, the team at Redhead Artificial Lifts created a new, legible poster of a conventional pumpjack diagram. We have seen and used these before, found these posters quite helpful, and felt it would be a great asset to have a snapshot detailing the moving parts of a pumping unit, labelled in a clear, concise way.
We then went one step further and turned this image into a laminated poster for a number of our clients. Whether on the wall of your work office, in your shop or on placed the dash of your truck, now you can always have a diagram on-hand for quick reference when you need it. We’ve also made this pumpjack diagram available to you as a downloadable PDF. Enjoy!
As always, if you'd like to chat about any of our products or services, contact the team at Redhead today.
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Both Kevin and Redhead Artificial Lift subscribe to the belief, “Customer service comes first. Without service there is no customer.” Redhead Artificial Lift understands the diversity of the Canadian oil patch, as well as the challenges within the artificial lift service, and has the products, manufacturing, and the people it takes to get the job done, now and in the future. Kevin and our team look forward to helping you with your next artificial lift challenge.